Just a few photos from St. Matt’s Car Show at Vine Botanical Gardens in Loganville this weekend.
Three Tulips — Vines Botanical Gardens

One of the issues I struggle with on this blog is just how many pictures from a single shoot to post. Because of the way I shoot, I often get […]
Tulip Silhouette

Cherry Blossoms MMXI-II

Swirls of Pink and Red
Another attempt at a flower/color abstract.
Cosmos in the Flowers
I’m a big fan of color, and find myself drawn to flowers because of the intense colors nature has to display. Too often though, I’ve found that focusing on the […]
Vines 02212010
A little bit of a break from the models. Sunday was a beautiful day, so I went out to see if I could find anything interesting to shoot. I didn’t […]
Autumn Sunrise II
Walked out of my house on Friday morning to find the sky looking like this. For a brief moment I thought about being late for work, and not having anything […]