Methinks my own soul must be a bright invisible green. — Thoreau

Photo credit Kerr Ramsey
You’ve found the home of a Invisible Green Photography, nature photography by Marcus Taylor. I am a freelance nature photographer based out of Atlanta, Georgia. Most of my work is centered around the Southern Appalachian mountains and the Georgia Coast, but I am open to assignments anywhere in the world.
I am often asked about whether I Photoshop my images. The simple answer is yes. Every single one of the images you see on my site has been edited in Adobe’s Photoshop. I shoot using a RAW file format, so every photo has to be processed outside the camera in order to create a presentable image. When I edit my photos, it is my goal to remain true to the scene as I observed it, but I have no problem with significantly manipulating an image, if I feel it produces the best artistic result. I tend to avoid creating composite images from completely different or unrelated images. When I use composites it’s almost always multiple exposures of the same shot, blended to create the best possible light. In most cases though, photos that require significant manipulation aren’t worth the effort required to save them. At any rate, it is not my intent to deceive anyone, so if you have any questions about how a photo has been processed just let me know, and I’ll respond..
All photos on this site are owned by me, and may not be used without express written permission.
Purchasing Photos
Selected photos can be purchased as prints at If you would like to purchase a print not available there, or to license a photo for something other than a personal print, please contact me directly.